Wrong Movie / TV Show

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Rokit88 on 29 Aug 2022, 17:51: This is not from the TV series; but not sure which film.


It got fixed--thanks!

From the research I did, it pointed me in the direction of Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979, not the 1966 tv series.

Thank you for reporting Rokit88. :)


This is from Ben (1972), not Willard (1971)

Can you post the URL of Ben, please? Having a hard time finding it through the search engine. Thanks!

I took care of it michaella.

Thank you for reporting melissa

Moved and deleted as duplicate.


Moved. Thank you, bubbahotep2001!


I accidentally copied the IMDb-URL from the episode. The actual TV show‘s URL for those pictures is https://m.imdb.com/title/tt8806524/

Corrected. Thanks for reporting, Debby2912!

Thanks for letting us know, everything moved to the correct spot.

and episode 2x07

Moved. Thanks!

Moved. Thank you!