Wrong Movie / TV Show

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duplicate deleted

This is from the movie "Elizabeth" from her coronation, not her Golden Years. ;-)
Sure, much younger Cate. Moved to correct movie and deleted, being it also a duplicate πŸ˜‰
Duplicate photo on "Olympus Has Fallen" board http://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/olympus-has-fallen-i2302755

Larger version - image 1 http://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/olympus-has-fallen-i2302755/a2f8da

image 2 http://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/olympus-has-fallen-i2302755/256c8a44?c=1
thanks, deleted πŸ˜‰
I don't believe this photo http://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/the-patriot-i187393/7b524f of Tom Wilkinson is from The Patriot http://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/the-patriot-i187393 .

My reasoning is he's wearing a white t-shirt under is over shirt and they didn't wear those during the Revolutionary War, especially Lord Cornwallis. I have no clue to lead you in the direction of which movie it comes from though.
It's from Michael Clayton (2007)

See: http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0029895/
thanks, moved πŸ‘
This Still ist from At The EarthΒ΄s Core (1976)

Thanks for your comment, already moved and deleted picture, it was also a duplicate and though it has higher resolution, it was certainly blown-up and not better than the one we have already.

It's Caligula ;-)
On IMDb the primary title is Caligola...

I guess it's due to the real name being Caligula, the movie in most countries being Caligula, the character in the original English speaking actors being called Caligula...

...and still the original title, being the one appearing printed on film in original country (that's the system imdb uses to name movies) is in Italian, Caligola.

I have to say that I thought too that the original Italian title was Caligula.

This picture should be in season 2 episode 1 :

This is from Serena
This is from Serena
Thanks for saying, but I can't change it right now. Seems the upgrade of the site has some failure that doesn't allow me to move a picture to another movie. Will be moved to the correct one as soon as possible πŸ˜‰
Fixed πŸ˜‰
moved πŸ˜‰