Pictures Field is Required

This thread has 9 posts and 353 views.

Why is it when I try to upload a not already existing still to the site, there's this popup message that says "Pictures field is required"?

Which title? Post link here please. Thanks

Carlito on 22 Jan 2023, 02:41: Which title? Post link here please. Thanks

I tried it and it works fine for me and I never seen that popup message before. Are you still having the same problem?


Please screen capture the popup and use an image hosting site such as to share it will us. Thanks!

michaella92 on 26 Jan 2023, 22:30: Please screen capture the popup and use an image hosting site such as to share it will us. Thanks!

michaella92 on 26 Jan 2023, 22:30: Please screen capture the popup and use an image hosting site such as to share it will us. Thanks!

melissa-joi on 17 Feb 2023, 17:21:

The quality of this image is too poor. I'm afraid, we couldn't accept it.

When this error message occurs it is likely one of two thing:

1. Check file type to make sure it's .jpg with a maximum height and width of 7500 pixels, a maximum filesize of 7.5mb, and a minimum height or width of 600 pixels. My guess is that pic could have been .png since it's a fan-made screen capture.


2. You didn't select a category for the image

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