Add/Merge Cast/Crew Profiles

This thread has 1825 posts and 17087 views.

La La Anthony was a first. After I added Lala Anthony link to La La Anthony, it became only Lala Anthony

and I can not correct database

Yaut on 11 Jul 2020, 12:43: La La Anthony was a first. After I added Lala Anthony link to La La Anthony, it became only Lala Anthony

and I can not correct database

You can use both names: La La Anthony and LaLa Anthony

Yaut on 11 Jul 2020, 12:43: La La Anthony was a first. After I added Lala Anthony link to La La Anthony, it became only Lala Anthony

and I can not correct database

Speak to Martin then to correct this as is your job as a moderator?

michaella92 on 11 Jul 2020, 12:13: That's how the database codes it in - not us. That's how her profile will remain. Yaut made no error whatsoever. Please be kind to those who volunteer our free time! I don't think you understand how much work, time and effort goes into being a mod. If what's going on in the world today has taught us anything it's to be kind and take care of each other. There is no need for the way you speak to all moderators. We are human being just like you. Would you like to be treated as you have been treating us?

Blame the database? Did the database allow a profile as La La Anthony originally to be created? Yes/No?

These are nothing more than weasel words/lies and you know it.

Please practice kindness! Lord knows the whole world should. Stay safe, dear!

Still waiting for her profile to be changed to La La Anthony.

Still waiting.

Do you really think it is justified to attack mods over something like a missing space? No matter what the reason, that is absolutely not an "enormous error" and I hope you'll be more friendly and thoughtful the next time.

That being said: names come from I just manually triggered a data refresh for that profile and it's displayed as La La now.

Added. Thank you!

melissa-joi on 17 Jul 2020, 14:07:

Can you re-post those 2 links, please? The first link send me to Cine Material & the 2nd is a 404 error. The links should look like the following: ---- (tags / actor name)
