wrong category

This thread has 638 posts and 13016 views.

movie: https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/phantasm-i79714

The german images with the title "Das Böse" are no publicity stills but lobby cards. All in all, there are 18 cards (14 images and 4 text cards).

By the way, when I submitted lobby cards of the movie "The moment to kill", one text card was rejected. Does this mean that you only accept lobby cards with images and no plain text cards, although they are part of the complete set ?

"The german images with the title "Das Böse" are no publicity stills but lobby cards. All in all, there are 18 cards (14 images and 4 text cards)."

Changed to lobby cards.

I only see 5. I'm assuming you'll upload the rest of the set?

"By the way, when I submitted lobby cards of the movie "The moment to kill", one text card was rejected. Does this mean that you only accept lobby cards with images and no plain text cards, although they are part of the complete set ?"

It wasn't me, so I can't give you an answer.

Please send the mod (who approved the other lobby cards) a pm as he may not see these posts.

Thank you for reporting. ?

Carlito on 22 Nov 2020, 11:36: "The german images with the title "Das Böse" are no publicity stills but lobby cards. All in all, there are 18 cards (14 images and 4 text cards)."

Changed to lobby cards.

I only see 5. I'm assuming you'll upload the rest of the set?

Yes, the others to follow (including text cards?)

Carlito on 22 Nov 2020, 11:41: "By the way, when I submitted lobby cards of the movie "The moment to kill", one text card was rejected. Does this mean that you only accept lobby cards with images and no plain text cards, although they are part of the complete set ?"

It wasn't me, so I can't give you an answer.

Please send the mod (who approved the other lobby cards) a pm as he may not see these posts.

Thank you for reporting. ?

OK, thanks for the tip, I'll do as you suggest.

Deleted user

8 Dec 2020, 22:02
Hello, can I report here a wrong category without starting a new thread?

This photo is a Pre-production, not a Behind-the-scenes


Done. Thank you for reporting ?


Official screen capture is the category for this

melissa-joi on 31 Dec 2020, 20:26: https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/cats-i173714/H1vZBN

Official screen capture is the category for this

Done, thanks.

Timothy2 on 2 Jan 2021, 14:27: https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/batman-i96895/zkCEAl



These are unofficial screenshots, not publicity stills.


Removed - thanks again!


It's an unofficial screenshot, not publicity still.


Timothy2 on 14 Jan 2021, 17:55: https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/batman-returns-i103776/63WrHn

It's an unofficial screenshot, not publicity still.


The quality is better than most official screen captures of films yet to be released. A screen capture from a film released from this timeframe would not have this quality. I see no reason to delete it. 

RobertMcClaine on 16 Jan 2021, 15:16: https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/the-big-year-i1053810/4a64ddd4behind the scenes

Corrected, thanks.


It's an unofficial screenshot, not publicity still.DELETE IT.