Pics from World Premieres

This thread has 6 posts and 1184 views.

Are we allowed to upload these?

Pics from the movies premiere night with red carpet pics and stuff?

But maybe, just maybe, we can start another website for that some day.
You should, premiere photos are sometimes cool.
Nice idea, but do you think is necessary to create another site for that? maybe you can add a new category and allow a maximum pics to upload, just an idea 😉
You do have to be careful with such a database. I know a couple of celebrity photographers and they are extremely protective of the photos they take. They live and die on the value of the photos they take so some of them, not all will get upset if they were on a site like this.
I don't really think it necessary since there are thousands of fansites dedicated to the actors that already have great pics of the premieres. For example, if you want a picture of Marion Cotllard attending the World Premiere of Public Enemies you just have to go to one of her fansites... or even HQ forums like celebutopia or HQ Paradise.

And well, full credit is usually given to the photographers and only some sites tag their name in the pictures, so it's not like they are stealing the photographer's work or anything. I know they might be protective, but once the pic is on the net and can be freely downloaded it's difficult to do it.
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