TV Stills

This thread has 12 posts and 1569 views.

What is the likelyhood of having tv stills brought in, like on the posterdb? I know TV stills are very popular 😁
Well, the main issue is that I'm afraid it would be to much. For a movie there is just a virtual maximum of stills you can take, but with TV series you just don't know how many episodes there's gonna be. So I'm afraid there'd be like 1000 stills for Prison Break or something 😛

Maybe I'll make episode-support one day, that would be better I think.
Just look here:

There are already 2918 pics, and there will be also full galleries for seasons 5 and 6. That's just crazy 😊
Well, being correct, what we don't approve is TV-Series, but we do approve TV Movies, or maybe those mini-series that are only 2-3 episodes (they're more likely very long cut movies). So there's nothing against TV here lol

The problem is what Martin said, and I have seen it for the web, some fanatic sites have hundreds and hundreds of pictures each season, so imagine that a 9 season series would be too much.

Btw, and if some day we approve series, what I suggest is they should be classified by seasons at least, if we don't want to have thousands of disordered pictures.
I started working on this and if I can create a good system it will be episode based. Let's say Lost has 3000 pictures now for 4 seasons, each more than 20 episodes, then it would be between 30 and 40 pics for an episode. That wouldn't be too bad I think. The only problem might be that people don't know which episode and just submit it to the first one or something. Anyone got a solution for that?
hmmm thats a tough one, I would hope most people that have got these stills would know which season and episode they are from. hmmm 😕 I can't think a way around it.
how about you have an unknown episode stills section in each series.
Yeah that's actually the only solution I could think of as well 😊. I'd set a limit for unknown stills though 😉

Gonna give that a try.
OK I made it but it's only available to me yet 😛
Gonna see if it works correct and then first make it available to mods I think.

I hope it's gonna work out. If it will be to much chaos I may remove the system again.
looking good
looks nice, i hope it works and it doesn't give any trouble.
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