Unable to Download Images after Site Change

This thread has 5 posts and 599 views.

I am unable to download images and presently have 170 credits - how do I proceed in downloading a hi-res image?  Thank you.

Same here. I went to download an image I already saved but accidentally deleted but can't download anything since the site was updated. I like the flow of the new layout/filters, however.   
Could you both please try again and let me know if it's still not working?
It definitely doesn't work for Star Wars content either. It should be removed from the site if it's not available. Got scammed into paying money to this site and customer service doesn't respond to contact requests/emails. Won't be back. A Bing image search works just as well... and it's free.

Drewbacca35 on 29 Oct 2022, 20:51: It definitely doesn't work for Star Wars content either. It should be removed from the site if it's not available. Got scammed into paying money to this site and customer service doesn't respond to contact requests/emails. Won't be back. A Bing image search works just as well... and it's free.

Unfortunately, some galleries were crippled or entirely deleted due to copyright holder claims. Disney is one of the most problematic studios in this regard.

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