on 7 Sep 2024, 20:08:
FAN ART. Delete it.
I'm not 100% convinced that it's art made by a fan from scratch......It looks like an official promo that may have been cleaned up, edited or even enhanced a bit and the quality is very good. I decided to keep it.
Thank you for reporting
Still no response? All I do is reporting wrong category: an image is advertised as publicity still but there is a better option to mark it as a screen capture. Like here.
https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/children-of-men-i206634/s2JIGPAt the same time, you are saying "if there's some not official one, is just a mistake of mod team, tell us". So I'm telling you. I don't want you to delete approved screen captures (although it happened to me personally many times). The solution is up to you.
The upload below is my bad. I mistakenly uploaded (likely not official) screen Capture and categorize it as publicity still. It was my fault and I'm ready to lose a credit. I'm sorry.
https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/back-to-the-future-i88763/slooHjMJ's Thriller and Bad galleries were entirely deleted, Ghosts (containing many custom screen captures gallery) is still present. I do not see a consistent approach, I'm sorry.
https://www.moviestillsdb.com/movies/jerry-maguire-i116695/S3Z6MuAnd that's a wrap, my friends! Let me know once you are interested in my services again.
Again, posting too many links and too much work all at once and speaking for myself, I'm not gonna clean up this mess you made here because I have better things to do on this site than spend 1 to 2 hours on these posts of yours.
"Let me know once you are interested in my services again"
Is that why you're acting this way, thinking that's this is your ticket to being an editor again? You were given reasons as to why you're no longer an editor in pm's and if you want to disclose that's up to you. I for 1, don't have time for your games and will not be dealing with these ridiculous posts of yours that creates a ton of unnecessary work for us. There's 1.6 million images on this site, what are you going to do, post 10,000 links in the next 6 months?
Speaking for myself, I already am overwhelmed and stressed with the amount of work I do around here and I don't need you posting in the forums like we do nothing around here. Stop this nonsense, no one has time for it!
Done. Thank you for reporting
Looks like someone already took care of them. Thank you for reporting
Done. Thank you for reporting