Add/Merge Cast/Crew Profiles

This thread has 1779 posts and 15322 views.

3x added. Thank you!

Added. TY

Twin Adair boys, one of them is Matthew Adair, with two T

This is his twin brother's page, Andrew Adair. All the photos, except the first one, need to be updated.

Let me know if you prefer to have the 9 individual links.

This is Richard Lawson, not Billy Dee Williams.

Didn't see any Friends photo for Mike Hagerty that just passed away. Upon uploading I got the notification that one photo was already uploaded. I hit his name, and 5 color photos popped, that are not on his profile (one b/w pic there). A bit lost here. ^^'

Thanks for merging all Mike's photos.

Corrected. Thanks guys!

Bluey Robinson

Mette Towley

Jonadette Carpio

Added to the database - thanks!


michaella92 on 30 Apr 2022, 18:15: Can't alter spelling to include special characters. The database sometimes doesn't pick them up for some reason. You can add character name to if isn't already added. That's where all cast/crew info comes from. Only current season character will show up on here though and if the character isn't a main character, it will not be added at all.

Hi, sorry, only saw this now. Cool, good to know :) He is a main character on the show.

Done. Thank you for reporting.